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A software company in the food and beverage sector has seen great success over its 30-year history. Following the departure of its co-founders, the company has been family-run for the last 20 years. In that time, its ambitious approach has seen it diversify into new markets and double in size. Today, it serves over 1000 customers and is one of Italy’s leading businesses in its space.

The situation

However, after the CEO died, the senior leadership, led by his son, began to consider the options to secure the company’s long-term future and fulfil the vision of international growth and scale they had all shared before his death. While there was money in the bank for strategic acquisition, the company lacked the knowledge and experience to see it through.

The son became the new CEO and saw the value of joining a larger network of organisations that could share knowledge, expertise and provide the resources needed for growth.

“We were a small boat in a very big ocean. By becoming part of a bigger fleet, we could help those around us, and in return, they could help us. All boats rise.”


Over the years, various investors approached him, but none felt like the right fit.

“Other investors clearly saw us as just a number. Our history, values ambition didn’t factor. Upliift, however, understood us and shared our long-term vision. We knew they would be a true life-long partner – even after I’ve gone.”


Enter Upliift

Where other investors wanted to buy the whole company, Upliift stood out by prioritising collaboration over outright ownership. Upliift was keen to retain the long history of knowledge and expertise, and so the company’s CEO continues to run the business today as and is a minority shareholder.

Unlike other investors, Upliift resonated with the company’s ethos and long-term objectives. The CEO found Upliift to be a genuine partner committed to preserving the company’s legacy and fostering sustainable growth beyond his tenure.

“Many entrepreneurs can feel lonely. My father and I were a strong team, and we never operated alone. Now Upliift is able to provide that support, sounding board and specialist expertise that can drive growth in the right direction.”


Local support 

Upliift recognises the significance of cultural values, regional market dynamics and language. That is why it has provided the company with a dedicated team on the ground to support the business and help effect change.

Upliift’s local team has first-hand experience selling companies, so it understands the journey and can bring new perspectives. Upliift’s network of companies allows greater support, and its capacity for strategic acquisition can drive rapid growth.

“We look forward to working with Upliift on acquisitions that broaden our offer to customers and help us capitalise on new market opportunities.”


Life after acquisition

By empowering its existing team, capitalising on emerging opportunities by making further complementary acquisitions combining two leaders in adjacent market segments, the company is set to go from strength to strength. The partnership shows how a shared vision and values can fuel growth and returns for the long term.

Names and some details have been redacted to protect the privacy of our companies and their founders and CEOs. If you would like to hear their stories first-hand, please contact our team