A specialist financial services software business in Southern Europe faced a critical juncture when its owners neared retirement and had no clear succession plan. After 30 years of operation, the…
A specialist financial services software business in Southern Europe faced a critical juncture when its owners neared retirement and had no clear succession plan. After 30 years of operation, the…
Jonas Lang ist Mitglied des Vorstands von 2HMforum und Head of Sales für FANOMICS. Er spricht darüber, wie wichtig es ist, zufriedene Kunden in Fans zu verwandeln. Außerdem erläutert er,…
Wir wissen, dass die Entscheidung, aus einem Unternehmen auszusteigen, nicht einfach ist. Den richtigen Weg zu finden, ist noch schwieriger. Unser Newsletter soll Gründern dabei helfen, diese Entscheidungen zu treffen…
Jessica Venturini, advisor, board director and chief revenue officer, talks about her role as a member of the Upliift Advisory Board and why adding value is fundamental to her approach…
The Upliift Advisory Board is an essential resource for our founders. It’s a dedicated team of experts committed to understanding and enhancing each unique business that Upliift invests in—for the…